A Wonderful Christmas

The residents and staff have had a lovely Christmas at Struan Lodge Care Home, with plenty of festivities taking place, including a pantomime, Christmas crafts and a party.
The staff have worked incredibly hard recently to ensure that Christmas was as special as possible for our residents. We understand that this time of year holds very special memories and traditions for our residents, and we go to great lengths to make sure our residents can continue these and share more happy times together and with loved ones.
It was a very busy month of festivities which included the decorating of the home and dressing the Christmas trees, which residents were only too happy to get involved in. We then welcomed some entertainers to the home, who put-on the Christmas Box Panto, which did a wonderful job of getting everybody into the festive mood.

Throughout the year we regularly hold arts and crafts sessions, as they help get residents together to socialise, it stimulates their minds and offers them a great sense of purpose, with an end product to be proud of. Over Christmas, our residents made some fantastic seasonal crafts including decorations and cards, which were truly lovely when gifting them to loved ones.

On the 23rd December, we held our residents Christmas party with nibbles, egg nog and some very fashionable Christmas jumpers worn. A fun time was had by all, and it was a chance for families to come and enjoy time together.

Christmas Day itself was very special, as staff did an amazing job of making sure the residents had the most wonderful day. Our residents gather together seated at round tables, where they enjoyed their meals, a Christmas tipple and some crackers. Staff wore Christmas pyjamas, residents opened presents and music played in the background. It was a very joyful day had by all.

From everyone at Struan Lodge Care Home in Edinburgh, we hope you had a lovely Christmas and we wish you a very Happy New Year.